Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Book Release: Houchens Industries

A Portfolio for Success: The Story of Houchens Industries

Houchens Industries began in 1917 with its first grocery store in a rural area of Kentucky. A century later, Houchens Industries operates in more than 400 retail grocery, convenience, and neighborhood market stores across the nation. Today, Houchens owns or has a significant stake in more than 40 companies including such well-known brands as Ace Hardware, Food Giant, IGA, Sonic and Subway. Houchens Industries is the largest employee-owned company in America, with 18,000 employees.

New Book Release: Emory Clinic

To the Ultimate Good—A History of the Emory Clinic: Early Years Through 1994

The distinguished history of the Emory Clinic began with an initial gift in the 1930s from the legendary chairman of The Coca-Cola Company and philanthropist Robert W. Woodruff. From those beginnings, Emory Clinic has fulfilled the founding vision of a leading medical center that offers superb health care to the region—and now the world beyond.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

New Book Release: Living to Die, Dying to Live

Living to Die, Dying to Live: An Exit Strategy for Institutional Christianity by Michael W. Shirey

Christianity is dying—in parts of the world it is already dead. Yet there is hope, but it will require radical surgery that many are unprepared to accept as necessary. The vast behemoth that calls itself institutional Christianity must die if the Jesus Movement upon which it was founded is to live. The essential message of the Christian gospel is that death leads to new life. Is Christianity ready to embrace this truth and die so that it can live?

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

New Book Release: Lost Civilizations

Lost Civilizations by Jim Willis

Unearthing the scientific evidence, myths, and legends of ancient civilization!
The reminders of the Ancients are everywhere. They are saved in remnants in archaeology. They are found in reminiscences in mythology. They are recorded in books, story, song, and stone. Who were these people, aliens, man-or-myths? Do we still see their influences today? What remains of these inhabitants of the jungles, lost cities, and dwellings underground, underwater and beyond? How did they rise? Why did they fall? Will they rise again?
From pyramids and underground bunkers to watery graves and ancient astronauts, Lost Civilizations: The Secret Histories and Suppressed Technologies of the Ancients examines the archaeological evidence and the traces left behind by more than 70 ancient civilizations, including …
  • Atlantis
  • Göbekli Tepe
  • Anasazi disappearance in the American Southwest
  • Nazca Lines of Peru
  • Turkey's Çatalhöyük
  • Denisovan Ancestors departure
  • Amazon Cities in the Jungle
  • Neanderthal Ancestors extinction
  • The Eden Stories of Theoretical Physics
  • Underground Cities of the Grand Canyon

  • From ancient Egypt, middle America, and the Nubian Desert to the frozen Antarctica, underwater ruins of Asia, and clues of visits by ancient aliens, Lost Civilizations explores the unanswered questions about the true origins of man. Might there have been advanced civilizations long before the days of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia? What do 3D imaging and new underwater mapping technology reveal? What do prehistoric artifacts, architecture, carvings, maps, and monoliths tell us? Were rising waters, erupting volcanoes, catastrophic solar flares, comet or asteroid fragments or some other unimaginable cataclysmic disasters the death of these advanced civilizations?

    Touring the world and reviewing the scientific evidence, this fascinating book ties together historical events in one part of the world that produced actual effects in others. Uncovering hidden and suppressed pasts of technologically and culturally advanced ancient civilizations, it looks at how modern civilization compares and contrasts to those who have gone before. It will leave you with the sense that what has happened to past advanced civilizations might very well be happening again in our own time! With more than 120 photos and graphics, it is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.

    Saturday, August 31, 2019

    New Book Release: The Alien Book

    The Alien Book: A Guide to Extraterrestrial Beings on Earth by Nick Redfern

    Unmasking the mysteries of alien life on earth!
    Make mention of the word “alien” and it conjures images of black-eyed, large-headed, dwarfish beings that have come to be known as the Greys. Indeed, Greys have become a staple part of pop-culture, never mind just the field of UFO research. They’ve appeared in Steven Spielberg’s classic 1977 movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. They regularly popped up in The X-Files. And, of course, there are numerous people – all across the world – who claim to have been abducted by the Greys and subjected to intrusive medical experiments. Yet, before the 1950s, the Greys were nowhere in sight.
    The Alien Book: A Guide to Extraterrestrial Beings on Earth shows that extraterrestrial life comes in all kinds, appearances, sizes, and bodies. They all have one thing in common, however: the human race has encountered them, and we continue to do so today. Not just dozens, or even hundreds, but thousands of eyewitness experiences have been reported. Covering hundreds of extraterrestrial life forms in more than 40 thematic chapters, this absorbing look at the mysteries of aliens on earth includes …
  • the Space Brothers: long-haired, very human-looking ETs
  • the fiendish Reptilians: seven-to-eight-foot-tall predatory shapeshifters
  • Men in Black beings: extremely pale-skinned, tall, and with huge eyes
  • Black-eyed Children: anemic-looking kids and possible ET-human hybrids
  • Bigfoot
  • the werewolf-like Dogmen
  • jellyfish-style aliens that soar around the skies of our world
  • the Shadow People: dangerous humanoids that terrorize people
  • legendary Nephilim
  • space-vampires: insect-like aliens that resemble a giant praying mantis
  • and many, many more!

  • The Alien Book investigates the full range of sentient, alien life forms. Some are benign and others downright deadly. Some are small, like a germ or virus that has NASA, creating guidelines to deal with an outbreak of an extraterrestrial germ. Some are big like a giant praying mantis or the biblical Goliath. They all lurk on Earth and in this chilling book!
    With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.

    New Book Release: Celebrity Ghosts

    Celebrity Ghosts and Notorious Hauntings by Marie D. Jones

    Rich. Famous. Glamorous. Dead … and Immortal!
    From old Hollywood silent film stars to rock stars to athletes, past presidents, and famous generals, celebrated individuals sometimes become celebrity ghosts, and they haunt their homes, workplaces, and even burial places. In turn, those places become famous, even notorious, thanks to the ghost that is haunting it!
    Celebrity Ghosts and Notorious Hauntings looks at many famous ghosts―dead celebrities that haunt old Hollywood locales, famous generals that appear to witnesses at great battlefields, and noted politicians that roam the hallways of courthouses, statehouses, and even the White House! Plus, this fascinating frightfest examines the famous haunted locations themselves, such as the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, the Hotel del Coronado, Gettysburg, the Stanley Hotel (which inspired Stephen King’s The Shining) and so many others that claim the supernatural as part of their heritage and history.
    This riveting look at the unexplained also investigates movie lore, including the unsettling incidents on the Amityville Horror set; “The Dark Knight” curse that includes on-set accidents from the horrible death of Heath Ledger, who played the Joker, to the mass shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises; the deaths and curse surrounding The Matrix; the Infamous Stage 28 at Universal Studios; and Paramount Studios’ long history of hauntings and strange goings-on.
    Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and Hank Williams. Presidents John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and Harry Truman. Henry VIII, beheaded Sir Walter Raleigh, and Prince Edward V. Rudolph Valentino, Mary Pickford, Marilyn Monroe, and “Superman” actor George Reeves. Houdini, Redd Foxx, Liberace, and serial-killer Ted Bundy. They all lurk in this chillingly riveting book. Haunted graveyards (of course), haunted historical landmarks and battlefields, plus haunted libraries, courthouses, ships, submarines, lighthouses, hotels, roadways, byways, bridges, prisons, and hospitals are all gathered together in this comprehensive look at the ghastly afterlife of the renowned. From famous faces to famous places, if it involves fame and celebrity, fortune and notoriety, legend and lore, Celebrity Ghosts and Notorious Hauntings covers it.

    New Book Release -- Flames

    Flames by Kehot Publication Society

    What's In a Flame? The Chanukah discourse Ki Atah Neri from Shaarei Orah employs the multiple images of the lamp, the oil, the wick and the different hues of the flame in order to express profound guidance in the divine service of every individual.
    The popular Chasidic Heritage Series aims to present Chasidut to the reader in a truly user-friendly format. It's the text of choice for Shiurim, and a great English companion to the text for any time use.
    Includes the first ever English biography of the Mitteler Rebbe.

    Monday, August 5, 2019

    New Book Release: Handy Science

    The Handy Science Answer Book by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

    Science is everywhere, and it affects everything! DNA and CRISPR. Artificial sweeteners. Sea level changes caused by melting glaciers. Gravitational waves. Bees in a colony. The human body. Microplastics. The largest active volcano. Designer dog breeds. Molecules. The length of the Grand Canyon. Viruses and a retroviruses. The weight of a cloud. Forces, motion, energy, and inertia. It can often seem complex and complicated, but it need not be so difficult to understand. Celebrating it’s twenty-fifth year and with over one million copies sold, the newly updated and completely revised fifth edition of The Handy Science Answer Book makes science and its impact on the world fun and easy to understand.

    Clear, concise, and straightforward, this informative primer covers hundreds of intriguing topics, from the basics of math, physics, and chemistry to the discoveries being made about the human body, stars, outer space, rivers, mountains, and our entire planet. It covers plants, animals, computers, planes, trains, and cars. This friendly resource answers more than 1,600 of the most frequently asked, most interesting, and most unusual science questions, including ...
  • When was a symbol for the concept of zero first used?
  • How large is a google?
  • Why do golf balls have dimples?
  • What is a chemical bond?
  • What is a light year?
  • What was the grand finale of the Cassini mission?
  • How many exoplanets have been discovered?
  • Where is the deepest cave in the United States?
  • How long is the Grand Canyon?
  • What is the difference between weather and climate?
  • What causes a red tide?
  • What is cell cloning and how is it used in scientific research?
  • How did humans evolve?
  • Do pine trees keep their needles forever?
  • What is the most abundant group of organisms?
  • How do insects survive the winter in cold climates?
  • Which animals drink seawater?
  • Why do geese fly in formation?
  • What is FrogWatch?
  • Why do cats’ eyes shine in the dark?
  • Which industries release the most toxic chemicals?
  • What causes most wildfires in the United States?
  • Which woman received the Nobel Prize in two different fields (two different years)?
  • What is the difference between science and technology?

  • For anyone wanting to know how the universe, Earth, plants, animals, and human beings work and fit into our world, this informative book also includes a helpful bibliography, and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness. It will help anyone’s science questions!

    Monday, July 1, 2019

    New Book Release: Valiant or Virtuous?

    Valiant or Virtuous? Gender Bias in Bible Translation by Suzanne McCarthy

    This book explores a systematic bias in translating the Bible and in interpreting its teachings, which suggests that men are inherently suited to be leaders in the home, church, and community, while it is God’s plan for women to submit to men’s leadership. This erroneous understanding of the Bible has been promoted by certain influential evangelical Christian leaders in order to push back the growing influence of feminist attitudes, the expansion of women’s leadership roles, and the increase in egalitarian relationships among evangelicals in English-speaking North America. 

    Written in a down-to-earth, engaging way, this book will appeal to young women searching the Bible for guidance on women’s roles in relationships and in the church. It highlights the dynamic roles played by women in the narratives of Old and New Testament and in the work of Bible translation. Built on a solid framework of biblical and linguistic scholarship, this book will also be of interest to Bible scholars and to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of what the Bible actually says in its original languages. 

    New Book Release: The Call of the Mourning Dove

    The Call of the Mourning Dove: How Sacred Sound Awakens Mystical Unity by Stephanie Rutt

    Spiritual seekers across faith traditions share a fierce yearning for mystical unity with their God. While beliefs and practices differ, what ignites the human heart to quest for the mystical, the unknowable, the holy just beyond understanding, is the same. The Call of the Mourning Dove: How Sacred Sound Awakens Mystical Unity offers a new paradigm, the Sonic Trilogy of Love, that details how sacred sound, embedded in the ancient canons across faith traditions, creates just such a portal into this unmitigated experience of God. Because the experience is ubiquitous across faith traditions, it does not matter whether a seeker has embarked on an eclectic quest for God or remains deeply committed to questing within one particular faith tradition. All seekers, known as Lovers within the Trilogy, discover that by intoning the sacred sounds, the Love embedded in the ancient languages, the conditions are set to experience unity with God, the BelovedThis unity occurs in unforeseen moments, as love, the core organizing principle of the Trilogy, circles in on itself, dissolving all distinctions, leaving the Lover filled with only the silent wonder of God. And, graciously, nothing is the same. 

    New Book Release: The Rage Against the Light

    The Rage Against the Light: Why Christopher Hitchens was Wrong by Peter Harris

    Christopher Hitchens was the most eloquent of the New Atheists. With great rhetorical polish and an encyclopedic mind for historical facts and literary quotations, he presents the case of anti-theism very effectively. Though now deceased, Hitchens’ arguments continue to reverberate through his best-selling books and online presence. God, asserts Hitchens, would be, if he existed, the greatest of dictators. Religion, according to Hitchens, is morally bankrupt and madly irrational. The world is better off without them! But is this true? It is the purpose of this book to identify Hitchens’ worldview in order to subject it to a critique that will powerfully expose its many flaws. Rather than a dictator, God will be shown to be a God of love. Christianity too will be revealed as a faith that ought to resist tyranny, provides the best foundation for intrinsic human value, and is a rational belief-system. In so doing, this book appeals to all who have been influenced or convinced by Hitchens’ arguments to reconsider their position and refuse to rage against the light. 

    New Book Release: Viktor Frankl and the Book of Job

    Viktor Frankl and the Book of Job: A Search for Meaning by Marshall Lewis

    This book accomplishes two distinct tasks. First, it develops the psychological theory of Dr. Viktor E. Frankl as a literary hermeneutic. Second, it applies the hermeneutic by reading the book of Job. 

    Key issues emerge through three movements. The first movement addresses Frankl’s concept of the feeling of meaninglessness and his rejection of reductionism and nihilism. The second movement addresses the dual nature of meaning; an association is revealed between Frankl’s understanding of meaning and the Joban understanding of wisdom. The third movement involves an exploration of Frankl’s ideas of ultimate meaning and self-transcendence.

    As a Holocaust survivor, Frankl had a personal stake in the effectiveness of his approach. He lived the suffering about which he wrote. Because of this, reading the book of Job with a hermeneutic based on Frankl’s ideas will present readers with opportunities to discover unique meanings and serve to clarify their attitudes toward pain, guilt, and death. As meaning is discovered through participation with the text, we will see that Job’s final response can become a site for transcending suffering.

    New Book Release: Extracted

    Extracted: Unmasking Rampant Antisemitism in America's Higher Education by Perry Brickman

    On a late summer day in 2006, Brickman and his wife attended an exhibit on the history of Jewish life at Emory University and were astonished to come face-to-face with documents that strongly suggested that Brickman and many others had been failed out of Emory’s dental school because they were Jewish. They decided to embark on an uncharted path to uncover the truth. With no initial allies and plenty of resistance, Brickman awoke each morning determined to continue extracting evidence hidden in deep and previously unmined archives. While the overt discrimination was displayed in charts and graphs, the names of the victims were scrupulously withheld.

    The ability of the perpetrators to silence all opposition and the willingness of the Jewish community to submit to the establishment were deeply troubling as Brickman continued to dig deeper into the issue. Extracted brings to light the human element of the rampant antisemitism that affected the dental profession in twentieth-century America—the personal tragedies, the faces, and the individual stories of shame and humiliation. After five years of identifying, interviewing, and recording the victims, Brickman was finally permitted to present his documentary to Emory officials and ask for redemption for the stain she had made.

    New Book Release: Cover-Ups & Secrets

    Cover-Ups & Secrets: The Complete Guide to Government Conspiracies, Manipulations & Deceptions by Nick Redfern

    Fake news, alternative facts, outright lies, fears of nuclear war, widespread surveillance of the population, mass shootings, the rise of a totalitarian state and more have led millions of us to distrust the word of government. And with good reason, too. There are countless conspiracy theories in circulation that suggest the world as we see it is not as it really is. Disinformation campaigns try to tell us that up is down and right is wrong.

    More and more people are beginning to realize that we are being manipulated and lied to. We are denied access to secrets that shouldn’t be secrets. Our politicians obfuscate, deny, and outright lie. No one knows whom to trust. The nightly news is being replaced by carefully orchestrated propaganda. Our iPhones are monitored as are our laptops and our landlines. As for social media, that too is ripe for spying by men in black suits. No wonder, then, that the last few years have seen an incredible rise in conspiracy theories about deceptions and cover-ups. They range from the controversial to the shocking and from the nightmarish to the downright terrifying. And you can find all of them in the pages of Cover-Ups & Secrets: The Complete Guide to Government Conspiracies, Manipulations & Deceptions.
    From the dark agendas to restrict our access to the Internet and even ban books to suppressing cancer cures to ensure the pharmaceutical industry continues to reap gigantic profits and the murder of politicians, scientists, world leaders, and even Princess Diana in the name of national security. Cover-Ups & Secrets reveals dozens of nefarious conspiracies, plots, hidden agendas, and betrayals, including…
  • Amazon’s Alexa, the secret spy in the home
  • NASA misdirections
  • The classified Pentagon program on alien life
  • Clandestine plans for nuclear and bacteriological warfare
  • NSA’s penetration of cell-phones, email, Facebook, Twitter, and Skype messages
  • Suspicious deaths
  • The Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, and the Bohemian Club
  • Secrets of the Philadelphia Experiment
  • Reptilian Aliens and the British Royal Family
  • The Patriot Act and the government’s monitoring of reading habits
  • And much, much more!!!
  • Wednesday, May 1, 2019

    New Book Release: Handy Wisconsin

    The Handy Wisconsin Answer Book by Terri Schlichenmeyer and Mark W. Meier

    Beer, cheese, lakes, rivers, cabins, and cities. With a diverse geography, beautiful natural wonders, and vibrant cities, tourism naturally plays a major role in Wisconsin’s economy, and its nickname, “America's Dairyland,” speaks to the importance of agriculture. Of course, cheeseheads abound in Green Bay and throughout the state, as do the Effigy Mounds―burial mounds―in the form of animals or birds of the Woodland Indians. The Handy Wisconsin Answer Book takes an in-depth look at the state’s variety, along with its fascinating history, people, myths, culture, and trivia. Covering its industries, politicians, arts, media, culture, and, of course, sports dynasties and legends, it brings the state’s past and present to life. Learn about the earliest people in the Great Lakes area, the Paleo-Indian People, French explorers, traders, the Paul Bunyan “myth,” today’s numerous ethnic festivals, including Brat(wurst) Days, Polka Days, Cheese Days, and the Wisconsin Highland Games. Uncover surprising fun facts like Brett Farve's first forward pass for the Packers was caught by … Brett Favre! From log-rolling, the state capital in Madison and its politics, famous breweries, major manufacturers Kohler Company, Johnson Controls, John Deere, Caterpillar Inc. and Harley-Davidson motorcycles to the Milwaukee Art Museum, Willem Dafoe, Georgia O’Keeffe, the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer, Al Jarreau, and other notable people and places, The Handy Wisconsin Answer Book answers to nearly 1,400 questions the Badger State’s unique and interesting history, people, and places, including:
  • Why is Wisconsin called “Wisconsin”?
  • How much snow falls in Wisconsin?
  • What is the Wisconsin state dance?
  • Which Native American tribes called Wisconsin home?
  • Was there a Civil War POW camp in Wisconsin?
  • How did log rolling become a sport?
  • Why was the Oleomargarine Act supported by nearly every farmer in the Dairy State?
  • What was the Day the Music Died?
  • How many acres of State Forests does Wisconsin have?
  • Was Paul Bunyan a real person?
  • Where is the Pabst Mansion located?
  • What is the most popular attraction in the state?
  • How many beer festivals are there in Wisconsin?
  • Where is Roundy’s headquartered?
  • Which waterway is most important to Wisconsin?
  • Which political party held sway in Wisconsin when the state was formed?
  • What caused so much controversy in the redistricting of 2010?
  • What is unique about Wisconsin’s capitol building?
  • Where did the Green Bay Packers get their name?
  • How much did each winning player make for playing in Superbowl I?
  • How much milk does it take to make one pound of butter?
  • How many towns in Wisconsin claim to be the UFO Capital of the World?

  • Illustrating the unique character of the state through a combination of facts, stats, and history, as well as the unusual and quirky, The Handy Wisconsin Answer Book answers intriguing questions about people, places, events, government, and places of interest. This informative book also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness.

    Monday, April 1, 2019

    New Book Release: Handy Accounting

    The Handy Accounting Answer Book by Amber Gray

    Everyone needs to budget money and manage costs, whether for groceries and everyday purchases, rent or mortgage, education, retirement, or even a business. Like it or not, accounting infuses most everything in life. From credits, debits, and basic bookkeeping to getting the most out of tax deductions and from reading or creating a business’ financial statement to better understanding accounting lingo, The Handy Accounting Answer Book can help anyone acquire the skills to start or run a business, plan for retirement, set money aside for a big purchase, establish everyday budgets, and improve their money management.

    Find out about the concepts and assumptions behind the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Understand tax returns and maximize write-off. Manage retirement account statements and find ways to improve their results. Learn how to create a business plan. Learn about a business’ financial ratios, cost of goods, depreciation, tax planning, recognizing revenue and expenses, financial audits, year-end closing the books, and other terms and rules. Maximize profits and improve personal or business bottom lines.
    Covering accounting fundamentals, concepts, and jargon, The Handy Accounting Answer Book is for everyone who wants to understand the language of money and business. It uses basic terms and simple examples to illustrate complex accounting topics and can help you make better decisions about your business or personal finances. This handy primer answers nearly 800 questions and offers fun facts covering the basics of accounting, including …
  • What is the earliest known form of accounting?
  • What are the elements of financial statements?
  • When is revenue recognized?
  • What is accrual basis accounting?
  • How does an accountant determine which asset account titles to use?
  • What is goodwill?
  • How many different types of financial statements are there?
  • What is the basic accounting equation?
  • How is operating income different from net income?
  • How do you know if a company is doing well?
  • What is the quick ratio?
  • How is earnings per share evaluated?
  • What is a journal entry?
  • What is a purchase order?
  • What is the fraud triangle?
  • How is depreciation expense calculated and recorded?
  • What is a franchise?
  • What are the employer payroll taxes?
  • What is indirect labor?
  • How is a budget prepared?
  • What is a revenue variance?
  • What is contribution margin?
  • What is the time value of money?
  • What is one of the first things that must be done when starting a small business?
  • What are some of the key components of a business plan?
  • Can a business be successful if it doesn’t make a profit?
  • What is a CPA?
  • What happened at Enron?

  • For anyone planning for a business, retirement, college, or life in general, this informative book also includes a glossary of commonly used terms to cut through the jargon, a helpful bibliography, appendices providing examples of accountancy practices, and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness. It will help anyone’s financial intelligence!

    New Book Release: Shulchan Aruch English Vol. 7: Hilchot Pesach

    Shulchan Aruch English Vol. 7: Hilchot Pesach

    The Laws of Passover: The month of Nissan, Laws of searching, destroying and purging chametz.

    New Book Release: The Cincinnati Woman's Club

    The Life of the Future: The Cincinnati Woman's Club

    Taking its title from the words of an ancient philosopher, the Cincinnati Woman’s Club proudly took delivery of The Life of the Future, their highly anticipated 125th-anniversary commemorative book. At 128 pages and more than a year in the making, Bookhouse is honored to capture the club’s remarkable history and legacy of continuing community service. The Life of the Future—The Cincinnati Woman’s Club explores how this organization, one of the oldest civic groups in the city, has admirably balanced honoring the past with embracing the future. Founded in 1894 by women eager to develop their full potential and make their voices heard in Cincinnati, the Club and its impact on the Queen City grew over the decades. 
    The CWC continues to promote social, educational, and artistic growth in the community. Among some early successes of the club were the introduction of neighborhood playgrounds and the establishment of school gardens. Today the club continues to emphasize both education and philanthropy, still adhering to the course set in 1894. Members can take advantage of more than 400 educational programs every year and participate in a wide range of philanthropic activities.

    Sunday, March 3, 2019

    New Book Release: Handy Christianity

    The Handy Christianity Answer Book by Stephen A. Werner

    The Handy Christianity Answer Book provides detailed descriptions of the teachings of Jesus, Christian beliefs about Jesus, explications of ceremonies, symbols, rituals, observations, customs, leaders, and organization of the world’s largest religion. It clearly and eloquently explains how different Christians think and explores the richness of the Christian tradition. This engaging, user-friendly primer looks at the significance of the Bible, Jesus, the Apostles, the Trinity, the Eucharist, historical schisms, divisions and different denominations, worship, sacraments, prayer, and much more. This is an important reference that answers nearly 900 questions and offers fun facts that cover Christian history, religious practices, and cultural perspectives, including Why are there so many different kinds of Christians? What were the last words spoken by Jesus? What did Jesus say about loving one’s enemies? Did Jesus have brothers? What is the Nicene Creed? Is Heaven up and Hell down? Who was Joan of Arc? Why do most churches have organs? What is the earliest major film about Jesus?

    New Book Release: Ram I Am

    Ram I Am by Jonathan Womack

    In this sequel to A Cry for a Hero, Ram encounters his most dangerous foe yet, a being born of paranormal-science with the capacity to disrupt Ram's super powers. Ram is thrust into a 24 hour race against time, and together with Vonya and Dr. Keef, they fight to stop this new nemesis from enacting a vengeful plot to kill millions.

    Sunday, February 3, 2019

    New Book Release: Innovating Innovation

    Innovating Innovation: Leadership Tools to Make Revolutionary Change Happen for You and Your Business by David Morey

    Innovation needs innovation: Innovation is broken. Business leadership and management struggle to find ways to crack through their own corporate politics or bureaucratic silos, to move from defense to offense, to nurture real breakthrough, to drive visionary creativity in ways that add new value to everything they do. In Innovating Innovation, David Morey, one of America’s leading strategic consultants, will teach, coach, and guide you across eleven concrete and pragmatic steps that unlock and drive day-to-day innovation in your business and help you gain a long-term competitive advantage in your marketplace.

    Make change and innovation happen: Innovating Innovation synergizes what is best in classic innovation theories with an insurgent strategic model inspired by one of Morey’s first corporate clients, Apple founder Steve Jobs. It shows how to lead innovation that creates the products of visionary genius without the necessity for actual genius. It provides practical tools and guidance on building and leading the teams, working conditions, organizational structures, and cultures of market-made and market-making innovation. It illustrates a roadmap to the disruptive periphery, the organizational margins at which real innovation actually takes place.
    Innovation can be taught: Innovating Innovation is a framework to counter failure. It directs you, the reader, to the consumer, the very person who will actually tell you how to innovate the benefits to create a future you can own. This book invites you to “think different,” to become a change leader, to go the “wrong” way to get to the right places. And it shows you how to apply the pragmatic lessons of Agile software development to absolutely everything and to accelerate your leadership career and your company’s success by stepping up from mere evolution to punctuated equilibrium, evolution as breakthrough.
    Your business needs unique innovation: You and your business need innovation as never before and unlike anyone else’s. This is lesson number one. And in the space of eleven chapters, Innovating Innovation offers lesson number two: You don’t need to be a genius to deliver the performances, products, and services of innovation at genius levels in the most opportunity-rich and threat-intensive business environment in history. Your management and leadership skills will improve immensely, taking your business to a level of innovation success beyond what it has ever achieved before.
    Innovating Innovation is a step-by-step handbook for teaching, and at times even tricking, your organization, your culture, and your company into real-world change. After reading this new battlefield manual for innovation, you will:
    • Learn the Disruptive Periphery Concept and how it can give you the tools to help your business
    • Discover a practical marketing-centric focus applied to innovation
    • Reap the benefits of lessons developed from thirty years of real-world global consulting and training experience

    New Book Release: Cooper Hospital

    Cooper: The Story of Cooper Hospital 1887 to 2017

    At 432 pages, Cooper: The Story of Cooper Hospital 1887 to 2017 is an impressive and comprehensive commemorative history. Cooper is one of the largest hospitals in the Northeast. Founded over 135 years ago as a hospital for the poor, it’s growth and renowned expertise has helped revitalize downtown Camden, New Jersey.
    This fascinating history traces the Cooper story from 1887 to 2017. It incorporates historical research, personal interviews, medical milestones, and hospital records. It describes the dramatic transformation from its humble beginnings as a thirty‐bed hospital into today’s world‐class academic medical center and regional health care leader. The story documents how Cooper began as the dream of a prominent Camden family. It traces its growth and expansion through times of prosperity as well as challenges. Each chapter captures the essence of Cooper through its dedicated physicians, nurses, administrators, Board members, and health care staff. These people guided Cooper’s growth along the way. It is these compassionate, community‐minded and visionary men and women who ultimately created a thirty‐block Health Sciences Campus. Cooper is committed to outstanding patient care, medical education, and academic research that’s still anchored in the neighborhood where it began.

    Tuesday, January 1, 2019

    New Book Release: Area 51

    Area 51: The Revealing Truth of UFOs, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups and Conspiracies by Nick Redfern

    It’s no secret that, roughly 100 miles north northwest of Las Vegas, in the middle of a remote dessert, sits an extension of the Edwards Air Force facility commonly known as Area 51, but its clandestine purpose and operations remain shrouded in secrecy. It’s a highly classified, restricted area, but, cloaked in conspiracy theories, its history and true function remain a mystery. Is it only devoted to flight testing experimental aircraft and building black ops weapons systems as some contend? Or is it home to a dead alien, crashed UFOs, and extraterrestrial technology…? Or all of the above?

    Taking a thorough review of the historical record, eyewitness accounts, whistleblower testimony, and deathbed confessions, Area 51: The Revealing Truth of UFOs, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups and Conspiracies peers behind the classified secrets to understand the nature, history, and scope of the most controversial base in the United States. Redfern investigates the Cold War years, U-2 spy plane, SR-71 Blackbird, and chemical and nuclear weapon research as well as the base’s link to an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, reports of alien autopsies, recovery of non-terrestrial spacecraft, and attempts to duplicate the fantastic, alien technology.

    From UFOs to secret aircraft and the CIA, shadowy government programs and unexplained events surrounding Area 51 are illuminated, including …

  • The government’s Nevada land-grab at Paradise Ranch
  • The U-2, the Blackbird, and the A-12 tests, refinements, and flights
  • The Robert Scott Lazar revelations
  • Roswell Incident and Project Mogul
  • The development of “black helicopters”
  • The “Autopsies – Bodies Unknown Origin 47” file
  • Intelligence gathering through ESP, parapsychological, and mind control
  • Secret research on teleportation
  • Vast, hollowed-out chambers, tunnels, and hidden underground facilities
  • And much, much more!!!
  • New Book Release: Follow the Ink

    The Undertaker Chronicles Book 2: Follow the Ink by Crymsyn Hart

    Darria finally has her undertaking job under control. However, trying not to raise an army of corpses is getting harder and harder not to do. Omar, her mummified hand sidekick, is still trying to feel her up any chance he gets. Just when she thought she could get on with her life, trouble comes knocking at her door.

    A traveling carnival sets up at the graveyard down the street and strange spirits are roaming her house. To top it off, Darria finds a mysterious journal that tells an ancient tale about banshees. While reading the diary, she finds herself bound to the mysterious fate of the one who wrote it. If she doesn't solve the mystery the previous owner tried to solve, then she'll suffer the same fate.