Thursday, April 30, 2020

New Book Release: Hidden History

Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization by Jim Willis

Do we, the human species, really know who we are or where we came from or how we originated or our place in the cosmos? Or is much of what we have been taught wrong or misguided or possibly even blatant lies intended to keep people in power and everyone else in line?
Exploring alternative theories on the establishment of society and civilization, Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization looks at a variety of dissenting, suppressed, and forbidden accounts of history and the origins of humanity. It takes a broad and inclusive survey of historical documents, various theories, and a wide array of perspectives to explore what conventional wisdom might have gotten right and wrong.
The book serves as a useful introduction into the suppressed accounts of the origins of modern civilization. It combines cutting-edge science with metaphysical, spiritual, and even paranormal views, daring to ask whether there might be a better explanation for humanity’s existence and the origins of civilization than the current scientific consensus.
Hidden History looks at the multiverse and parallel dimensions, the ancient alien theory, metaphysics, and hypotheses beyond physical perception, the eleven dimensions of string theory, radio telescopes that penetrate to the event horizon of our universe, mathematical equations that take us where no one has gone before, and the world-wide sharing of experiences old and new that speak of long forgotten ancient mythologies that reveal historical truths.
With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography provides sources for further exploration, and an extensive index adds to its usefulness. This fascinating book is a thorough investigation and examination of the mysteries surrounding early civilizations, their myths, legends, histories, monuments―and lasting legacies.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Book Release: Assassinations

Assassinations: The Plots, Politics, and Powers behind History-Changing Murders by Nick Redfern

A deep dive into high stakes killings, conspiracies and crimes!
Ruthless killers and murderers for hire: they are here, there, and everywhere. They lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce. They terminate on command. And, in the process, they change the course of the world. They are among the world’s most cold-hearted, deadly, and emotionless figures. They are assassins, and they have a long history of grievous deeds.
From the cunning, calculating, government-trained warriors to the psychopathic, homegrown freelancers, you can find them all in Assassinations: The Plots, Politics, and Powers behind History-changing Murders. Exposed are the hidden agendas as well as the open warfare. The cynical preparations and devastating aftermaths are laid bare. You will quickly find yourself immersed in a world that is filled with killings made to seem like suicides, murders that were designed to look like heart attacks or overdoses, and accidents that, in reality, were carefully orchestrated deaths.
  • Did Lee Harvey Oswald really kill JFK? Or was Oswald the patsy he claimed to be?
  • Was Jack the Ripper, who terrified London in 1888, a madman or a ruthless secret agent of the British government?
  • Did the United States’ first secretary of defense, James Forrestal, kill himself, or was he thrown out of a window to his death in May 1949?
  • Did Marilyn Monroe take her own life in August 1962? Was a contract put out on her?
  • What led to the demise of Danny Casolaro, an investigative journalist who, at the time of his death in 1991, was investigating a powerful cabal known as “The Octopus”?
  • Was Diana, Princess of Wales, the victim of a car accident or of a carefully orchestrated plot?
  • Can sound waves and microwaves kill people at the flick of a switch?
  • Was John Lennon’s murder not at all what it appeared to be?

  • These questions and many more are answered in Assassinations, and with more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness. It's a fascinating read that looks into how and why so many famous and influential figures just had to go!