What's new in the world of Hurwitz Indexing, the indexing, copyediting, proofreading, book-reviewing and article-writing business of Shoshana Hurwitz.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
New Book Release: Living a Purposeful Life
New Book Release: The New Witch
The New Witch: Your Guide to Modern Witchcraft, Wicca, Spells, Potions, Magic, and More by Marie Jones
Good energy. Sacred spaces. Healing, harmony and balance. Honoring Earth and nature. Developing your sixth sense. Tapping into your natural talents and creativity. Unlocking your potential. Being your best self. Connecting your soul to life, nature, and all living creatures. Harnessing the power of natural magic, The New Witch: Your Guide to Modern Witchcraft, Wicca, Spells, Potions, Magic, and More bridges the ancient pagan ways of our ancestors and today’s digital world to help you live a happy life to its fullest.
Embracing the past and honoring the future, The New Witch focuses on the harmony between the “new way” of technology and the “old way” of living. It brings together the brave new world of gadgets and social networks with the wise nature-based traditions of our ancestors by offering ideas on how to combine the old with the new for a more successful, fulfilling practice. Discover and learn about …