Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Book Review: Anna's Shtetl

Anna's Shtetl by Lawrence Coben

Through hundreds of interviews conducted in the years before Anna Spector’s death in 1997, Dr. Lawrence Coben has created a fascinating account of Anna’s childhood in the shtetl where she lived in Korsun, Ukraine, spanning the years from her birth in 1905 through her immigration to America in 1919. This biography is especially rare because there are very few firsthand descriptions from this time and place written from a female perspective. With remarkable clarity and detail, Anna relates the relationship Korsun Jews and Christians had with each other, both in good times and later as she and her family become victims in several terrifying pogroms. The story of their long journey that finally takes them to America is a real page-turner that keeps the reader glued to the very end. In addition to the interviews with Anna, this book is highly well-documented using extensive outside sources. Highly recommended for all types of Jewish libraries.

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