Sunday, November 23, 2008

New CD Review: Osher V'Osher

Osher V'Osher by Lenny Solomon

Lenny Solomon, lead singer of the parody band Shlock Rock and one of the most diverse and influential artists of the Jewish music world, has once again produced a winner in his latest solo effort, Osher V’Osher. This CD is a delightful mix of new original tracks, almost entirely in Hebrew and sounding more Israeli than ever since Lenny’s aliyah, and remakes of old favorites. He includes four updated versions of songs he recorded in the mid-‘80s with his previous band Kesher, a cover of the Mordechai Ben David classic “Someday” which has become an anthem at NCSY shabbatons, an upbeat instrumental track and one tune from his most recent Shlock Rock CD. Osher V’Osher represents the best of Lenny past, present and future while retaining that magic which has kept him as one of the frontrunners of Jewish music for over two decades. It is great listening both for those who are familiar with his older music and for the younger generation. Highly recommended for inclusion in public and Jewish libraries.

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